A Continent-wide Chimney Swift Roost Monitoring Project




Jonestown, TX


· September 7, 2012

· Abandoned cement cistern in northwest corner of FM 1431 and Park Drive intersection in Jonestown, TX (30.4923 N, -97.9242 W)

· Scouting for Travis Audubon Society (TAS) field trip and 1st Annual SwiftFest, 3 people

· Clear, 91 degrees F, 33% RH (from LCRA HydroMet station at Big Sandy Creek near Jonestown)

· First CHSW entered at 7:55 PM CDT, main body started entering at 8:07 PM CDT, most in by 8:10 PM, last CHSW entered at 8:13 PM CDT

· 894 CHSWs

· September 8, 2012

· Abandoned cement cistern in northwest corner of FM 1431 and Park Drive intersection in Jonestown, TX (30.4923 N, -97.9242 W)

· TAS field trip and 1st Annual SwiftFest, ~80 (?) people

· Partly cloudy, 79 degrees F, 28% RH (from LCRA HydroMet station at Big Sandy Creek near Jonestown), cold front came through that morning

· First CHSW entered at 7:59 PM CDT, last CHSW entered at 8:12 PM CDT

· 926 CHSWs

Many thanks to Jim Nosler and the FWS folks at the Balcones Canyonlands NWR for all of their hard work organizing a very successful event around “their” Chimney Swifts. It was amazing to see all of those people quietly appreciating birds that they probably knew very little about before this festival. It was great having Chuck Sexton there to introduce us to the Chimney Swifts, and Cathy Harrington’s assistance during the count was much appreciated. Good job, everyone !


Kathy McCormack



Topeka, KS


Date: Sept. 8, 2012
Location: State Street Elementary School school chimney
500 NE Sumner
Topeka, KS
Time: 7:45-8:10 pm CDT
Swifts counted: 225
Wx: Clear, calm, 65 degrees

Andrea and Brad May

Greenville, SC


Sept 7, 2012. 350

Sept 8. 390

Sept 9 300

Each sighting at 8:00 pm

Location: corner of Rhett Street and W. Camperdown Street, Greenville, SC. 29601

Roost is in chimney of vacant building

Clear weather

I did contact my local Audubon office as you suggested and a local environmental group, Upstate Forever. I don't know that they have any solution to preserving the site from future development but they have been notified. One hindrance to anyone purchasing this vacant building, it is for sale for over a million dollars, I'm sure. For any business to go in there, the building would have to be torn down.


Martha Toy



Whitefish Bay, WI


Number of Swifts counted: 252

Time: 1st bird entered at 7:05 pm and last entered at 7:30 pm

Sunset time was 7:11 pm

Location: Fox Bay Building, 334 E. Silver Spring Drive, Whitefish Bay, WI 53217

Business (movie theater)

Clear, 64 degrees F.


Judith Huf



Asheville, NC


This year we counted 322 chimney swifts, from about 7:50 pm-8:15 pm.

This was on Sunday night, September 9, 2012. Location: Asheville, NC. (West Asheville section of town.) The site is a furniture store (Luke Atkinson furniture) with a chimney. It's right beside two moderately busy streets...Brevard Rd and Haywood Rd. Weather was beautiful, felt like fall...clear and cool. (At one point a loud fire engine came by with sirens going and the birds scattered, but came back after about a minute). This count was over 3 times as many as last year, same location!!

Thanks for compiling this. We had fun watching and counting!


Sherry Roane



St Joseph, MO


I am reporting 2850 CHSW entering a large chimney at a older former school here at

on 18th and Highly. This evening of September 9th between 8:05 & 8:10 p.m. I estimated they entered the chimney at a rate of 10 per second. I reported this location last year.


Brent Galliart

Midland Empire Audubon Society



Galena, KS


1205 was the total count of Chimney Swifts

19:34 to 20:02 CST


Galena, Kansas High School, Cherokee County

(this is the extreme southeast corner of KS.)

High school chimney

Clear sky, calm, 65 F.


Lawrence Herbert



Austin, TX


Ridgelea Chimney Swift Tower

Sept 9,2012
7:55 pm - 8:09
Approximate 34 swifts
Temp 88 degrees

Flew in despite presence of people, dogs. The couple with dogs were fascinated by the fly in as they walk their dogs there all the time and had never noticed it. They had front row seats and birds didn't seem to care.

Patti Gallagher

Eau Claire, WI


51 swifts
(6:55 started, but none until) 7:17 - 7:43 (waited - none after that) sunset 7:27
sept 9, 2012
Regis High School; 2100 Fenwick Ave; Eau Claire, WI
large chimney on high school
clear and cool, little to no wind, temps in 60s

Anne Geraghty & Jean Geraghty


Austin, TX


We counted at Brentwood elementary. In north austin. Sunday sept 9. 7:15 to 8:15 pm. 431 birds.

Frances Cerbins
Judith Bailey
Carole Edwards.